Friday, February 2, 2018

Contradictions and lies...

If the Common Core "standards" are just standards and districts have the ability to choose the material they teach, how are all children supposed to be learning the same thing at the same time?

  • Since Common Core State Standards will be used in most states, students with high mobility will be positively impacted – if they move from one state to another, their studies will match up better. 

  • Professional development for teachers and for the entire education community will improve because all teachers will be teaching to the same standards. 

Common Core Puts Creativity Back in the Classroom

The standards are internationally benchmarked.
  • With a tool to monitor students’ progress throughout the year, Common Core State Standards assessments will allow teachers to track the child’s progress instead of making comparisons to other students.

    • Common Core State Standards define what students are expected to learn, with the added benefit of students understanding what they are learning and why. 

      • The multi-assessment feature of Common Core State Standards will go well beyond choosing the right multiple choice answers. Students will have to come up with their own answers and defend them, ensuring the development of high-level thinking skills.
      • Common Core State Standards will increase rigor in the classroom.
      • Common Core State Standards will allow for the same standards and assessment of those standards in most states. Previously, each state has set their own standards and assessments, with some states adopting higher standards than others. This will bring all into the same standards and will allow states to be compared accurately. 

        As for the US Department of Education’s not “dictating” CCSS: Consider the recent plight of Washington state when it refused to “comply” with the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) dictum of grading teachers using student test scores: US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan withdrew Washington’s NCLB waiverWashington state responded by saying it would not be intimidated into obeying the federal government on matters of state education policy.

School Based Healthcare...Good thing or another overstep on parental rights?

Today we discuss a topic that concerns me based healthcare.

Sounds like a lifesaver for some...however, if you stop and take a second to think about it.  Is this something you want for your children?  You sign a permission slip at the beginning of the year thinking this will save you time, you are consenting for a dental cleaning or and eye check, but saving a few hours might put you and your child at a disadvantage.

How you ask?

Say your child is having a bad day or bad week.  The teacher sends the student to the SBHC to speak with a counselor.  That counselor diagnoses him/or her as depressed.  Writes a prescription (without your consent).  Sends him to a pharmacy where their privacy is assured.  Maybe he has a reaction or shouldn't be on the medication to begin with.  He/she comes home, is distant, moody, quiet.  Possibly suicidal or heaven forbid, commits suicide due to the medication (given to him/her without parental consent).

Your daughter goes to the SBHC because thinks that she is pregnant.  Were you aware that schools will arrange for YOUR child to have an abortion without your knowledge or consent.  They will supply your child with contraceptives without your permission.

Your child goes in to talk about becoming a different sex.  Schools are facilitating reassignments (without your knowledge or consent).

Think it sounds far fetched.  Here is a link to and ABC new story about a Seattle high school that arranged for a students abortion, sans parental consent or knowledge.

Here is an article about gender reassignment in Oregon.

Another story..

Here is a link to the School Based Health Center website.....

I'm baaaaccck!!!

It's been a while...I visited my blog this morning and all of the posts had been removed.  That really irritated me.  So I am going to repost what was up and give it a day for everyone to read my old stuff and get used to my  my "feistiness".  I love my kids, I can't watch what is going on without kicking and screaming.  I took my daughter out of public school, but I can't turn my back on your children, no one is going to fix this for them.  We have to be heard, we are wasting precious time.

 I'm hoping to make the time daily to at least just put out informative "from the horses mouth" info on what is happening in school.  There are some very very sick things happening in schools.  I hope to be able to have a dialog and we can connect the dots together.  Unfortunately this all boils down to greed and power.  Our children are collateral damage.

I'm also going to be starting another blog (Lord willing) on what is going on in the Universities, because I'm seeing issues with higher education.   It is worthless anymore unfortunately.  That will be detailed in full.  With lots of juicy credible sources.

I hope to hear your thoughts and look forward to taking back our children futures!  Last time I blogged, it was very quiet.  Feel free to go nuts!  :)