Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sexual Education Standards for K-12....see for yourself

This post is going to be short today, but I wanted to put information out for parents.

The Sexual Education Standards for K-12.  Because what Kindergartner doesn't need to know about the birds and the bees.

Page 6 is very interesting.  Sexual Education will be worked into English Language Arts and Math.  No permission slip needed.

I urge you to really check this out.

Read that document, click around some of the resource pages and trust, me you will want to vomit.  I can't fathom having "the talk" with a Kindergartner.  It is a parents place to have that kind of discussion when appropriate (as decided by a parent).  A school is no place to be explaining complex things like same sex families and religion either (and I know I will be called a bigot, whatever.  I don't believe that is the place).  These kids can't spell, they don't know cursive.  Lord help us.