I am the mother of two daughters aged 17 and 8, both affected profoundly by what is happening in the education system. My 17 year old carries a 4.0 GPA, yet can't pass ANY of these assessments and runs the risk of not graduating next year. My 8 year old has gone from being excited about school and eager to learn in Kindergarten to having an aversion to it and any work related to it. Homework time consists of crying because she is confused about the assignments. I will admit, math has never been my strong suit, however my husband is a math whiz, has two college degrees, one in Electrical Engineering and one in Business Management. He struggles sometimes to figure out our daughters math homework. After speaking with other parents, I have learned that most share the same concerns.
It seems that our children are at least two years behind, which is huge considering they are only in 3rd grade. The Common Core/Next Generation/College Ready (insert the next rebranded name here) standards are breaking our children's spirits. These students won't be college ready as promised, we will be extremely blessed to just see them graduate. In an effort to express my opinion and ask questions, I have met with teachers, as well as the Principal of my youngest daughter’s school twice (one meeting included the Assistant Superintendent, Emilie Hard). I have done my research on this subject after noticing the change in my youngest daughter and seeing the quality of work that she is bringing home. I’ve spent 100s of hours researching and verifying information. I am aware that the standards were written by Achieve, Inc., CCCSO, NGA, and other private interests HEAVILY funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. NONE of whom are accountable to parents, taxpayers or voters. Microsoft stands to make quite a bit of money on updating technology, data, cloud storage, etc. Pearson profits from rewriting the curriculum and tests (which my daughters school uses). Is it a coincidence that the Washington state schools, after losing their Title I waivers, were offered the Race to the Top Grant? One thing I've learned in life is that there are NO coincidences. I'm sure you are more informed on this subject than I, so I will spare you any further background info.
I am extremely concerned, after watching two hours a legislative roundtable yesterday, stems from watching our elected representatives act like vultures trying to pick the last bits of flesh off of a carcass. Funding, data, assessments…very little issues of substance were heard. I did however, hear many concerns about the Federal Government and the State, Principals several times. What about the students and PARENTS? Absolutely NO concern for the parents who are being stripped of our rights regarding decisions four our children. Or the damage that is being done to our children while we have NO power to make change because our representatives are not relaying our outrage and concern. These are the same parents that are also the taxpayers that fund the education system, not to mention your generous salary. Who, is being represented by the elected officials? I don’t feel like it is myself or the other parents that spend their evenings drying the tears of their children, trying to boost their confidence and sitting up night after night wondering what to do? How do we fix this not only for our children, but for the future of the country? Would you want a physician in 30 years treating you that can’t calculate medication doses without using tally marks or his fingers? One that needed remedial classes just to get into a university? Two years of ‘free’ community college is no consolation for the opportunities that our children are being robbed of. I'm sure that you as well as other elected officials have been contacted by other parents, upset because their children are being subjected to standards that we never asked for, we don't want and were smuggled in without our knowledge under the guise of "college readiness”. These standards have been deemed developmentally inappropriate and potentially damaging to the pathways in the brains of children by child psychology professionals. They are being taught subjects they don’t have the capacity to understand. I want my children to have a chance to be children…not learning to organize a protest at age 8. Mandatory pre-k is another example of government overstep. If a parent wants to participate in the head start program, it’s their choice. Some mothers actually choose to stay home and be there to nurture their children. Parents can’t be forced to send their children off to school at age 3.
Another huge issue is the data collection and invasion of our right to privacy. Our children and family's data stored and shared without our knowledge or consent. As Bill Gates has said it will take 10 years of analyzing data to see if ’this’ worked. If Bill Gates has children and would like to experiment on them, it’s his choice, but when it comes to my children, absolutely not! We, as parents, have ONE chance to get this right in raising independent, intelligent adults! Why on earth would we agree to implement and unwritten, untested curriculum? Our children are being "dumbed down", taught a revisionist version of the constitution, taught incorrectly at a young age that the Government is all powerful, family is of no value, parents have no authority and anything goes when it comes to family structure (well unless you happen to be a parent concerned about the future of your children...if it doesn't fit Government agenda, you are deemed "unfit”). One that is heavily slanted towards socialism. I’ve seen 3rd grade lessons about the constitution and bill of rights (a fairy tale version). Were you aware that we have a right to a free public education? Incorrect. Or that you only have a right to bear arms as long as they are registered? Incorrect. This is indoctrination and so blatantly obvious it’s disgusting. I’ve seen lesson telling students that the Bill of Rights is outdated and being re-worked. Really? I’d love to hear more. What happened to the American dream? What happened to being accountable for our actions and standing on our own two feet. Our children are not a science project! They should have the belief that they can be anything they want to, not forced into careers because these baseless, untested assessments tell them that’s all they can do. Many very intelligent people, highly successful people weren’t ‘honor roll’ students, but still managed to change the world with imagination and innovation.
We, as parents, have had our rights trampled by those that are supposed to serve us and represent our interests and gladly accept a paycheck from us. I don't want my 8 year old reading books about why Susie has 'two mom’s' or 'two dads'. I don't want her reading "Its perfectly normal" which shows all sorts of naked people, sex acts and frankly, is porn (you can google it and see for yourself). What ten year old needs to know how to put a condom on? It is MY job as a parent to teach morals and instill the values I see fit as a mother, PERIOD. I don't want my 8 year old reading that because she is caucasian, there is some privilege (that is nonexistent) and that she should be ashamed. Children are pure and nonjudgemental, but being tainted by what the school/state/government allows to quietly be taught in school. I've always taught my children to be good to others and respectful to everyone and that there are respectful ways of dealing with conflict.
As a taxpayer, voter and parent, I have what I feel is a simple request. Let's go back to traditional teaching methods. We were able to put man on the moon, make huge advances in medicine and technology, etc. Go back to the traditional grading system, excessive assessments are unnecessary. You have an average of the grades they are receiving on each assignment and a great picture of their mastery of what is being taught. Sure, a yearly assessment is reasonable. These children can get back to learning, teachers can get back to teaching and inspiring children instead of advancing political agendas. The idea that you can master vital skills after two days, test and move on is ridiculous. Without repetition, you cannot master the fundamentals, and without a strong foundation, you have nothing to build upon. Some children will never be college ready. Some excel, are motivated and some just aren’t. It’s their choice to make. Give them the fundamentals and let them flourish at their own pace. Go back to teaching spelling. Incorrect spelling isn't ‘creative', its ignorance. My husband, who incidentally works in the STEM field and is responsible for hiring, receives resumes with terrible spelling and they don't get a second look. I was stunned to have the Assistant Superintendent tell me during our meeting that she would rather have a student learn to read than spell. Why can a student not learn both? Traditional education methods managed to teach both, in addition to cursive and math above Algebra II, geography and other subjects not even mentioned these days. Political agendas don’t have a place in my children’s classroom. I don't want my daughters to have to count on their fingers to answer simple math, draw tally marks or squares or use a calculator for basic functions. I don’t want them relying on spell check.
I will close here by respectfully asking you to do what you were elected to do. Be the voice of the people that elected you….the voice of these innocent children who aren't going to have a chance in the real world. As a parent, I demand respect for my parental rights...I don't consent to my daughter's data collected and shared, I don't consent to digital texts in the classroom so I am left in the dark as to what is being taught as ‘fact’. I don't consent to the inappropriate subjects and racial and political agenda’s being pushed. I don’t want the school providing medical care without my consent. My children are not wards of the state, they are MY children. The Government does NOT know best. My children are loved, well cared for and I will fight for them until my last breath. The Government has truly forgotten it's place and I, as well as other outraged parents, will use our voices, votes, legal action, media outlets and other ways, to be heard until the proper balance is restored. Our Founding Fathers intended for public service to be an honorable position, not one of prestige and PROFIT! Many great men and women, including my own Grandfather made great sacrifices to ensure we have the freedoms that both you and I enjoy today. The constitution is a document to be honored and you, as well as other elected officials swore an oath to "protect and defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic”…. Are you upholding your oath by ignoring the voices of taxpayers and voters concerned about their freedoms being stripped away one by one? Can you sleep at night with a clear conscience knowing that these children are being broken by this agenda? I suggest you visit the elementary schools, look these children in the eyes, see the quality of what is being taught and sit with a child while they work on their homework. I welcome you anytime to sit with my daughter and wipe her tears as you try to make sense of the nonsense these kids have to learn. I guarantee that anyone with a soul will join the ranks of us parents that are losing sleep because they are worried about the damage being done and the outright abuse their children are suffering, at the hands of special interest and big business. The Government does NOT know best, nor have the right to disregard parental rights.
Since you appear to be such a staunch supporter of Common Core, I’d love to hear why. What research did you do BEFORE implementation? Previous studies showing success? Do you have any reviews of the curriculum by Child psychologists? I have spent 100s of hours looking for just one reason why this is a positive thing and can’t seem to find anything of benefit to my children. Plenty of benefits for special interest and private companies, all at the expense of children, parents and teachers and the future of this country.
The bottom line is...I just want to raise my children how I see fit, peacefully, with the values I deem to be appropriate. I don’t want my daughter being told that she can’t have her snack because it had 23 grams of sugar (it happened to me yesterday). If I want to send her with a candy bar and a soda, (which I would never do) it is my right. As a taxpayer and voter, I want elected officials to take time to realize that they were elected by us, demand they work on our behalf and realize that they can and will be replaced if they don’t start doing their jobs. I don't want a Government that has been caught in more scandals than I care to count, full of people lacking any moral compass, to deem what is morally acceptable for my children and dictate standards that they have to live up to in order to succeed in life. Thank you for your time. I have included a photo I took yesterday of a poster hanging by our school office….this is the future.
Wendee Hewitt
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