Common Core has united many parents, many are still not aware. This blog will detail the struggle against Common Core, High Stakes Testing and the Dumbing down of our Children. If you are a parent, I strongly encourage you to not take my word for it...Do the research, see the documents, listen to other parents. As I move through this blog, I will post the troubling things I have found. They come from many sources...News articles, social media, government documents, etc. Hopefully, you will be as outraged as I am.
Common Core has been touted as a State Led effort....this is not true. States were coerced into implement the curriculum with the Race to the Top Grant. Any state accepting this grant agreed to implement these standards. At this time they had not even been written. They had no idea what they were getting our children into when they accepted this bribe. What we now have in 46 states is an untested curriculum. They are using our children as an experiment and the things spelled out in this blog will disturb you. My daughters are not test subject. With education and parenting, WE HAVE ONLY ONE CHANCE TO GET THIS RIGHT!
The Common Core curriculum was written by the National Governors Association (NGA), CCCSO, Achieve, Inc. All heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Pearson. This process was not legislated, it was smuggled in without parents knowledge. NONE of these organizations are accountable to the public, taxpayers, voters, etc. Coincidentally, these organizations stand to make huge profits off of updated technology, new texts, data mining and cloud storage, etc.
One condition of the Race to the Top Grant was that states had to implement a State Longitudinal Database System (SLDS). Data can be shared with "stakeholders", states and government. This is a huge privacy issue. Most of this data is being collected without knowledge of the parents. Data collected is a gold mine for these companies.
Technology has been developed to monitor a child's response to certain subjects and stressors. Those include FMRI, Pressure sensitive "mice", pressure sensitive seats, facial recognition cameras and wristbands that monitor vital signs. Sound too far fetched.....Here is a picture:
Psychologists have spoken out against Common Core claiming that the standards are not age appropriate, that children are being asked to think abstractly when their brain is not able. There have been claims that this can actually damage pathways in the brain. As I move further and further through the blog, I will post sources to check out for yourself.
James Milgram and Sandra Stotsky, the only two educators on the validation panel REFUSED to sign off of the standards.
Inappropriate subjects have been worked into the English Language Art program, the schools will tell you that Sexual Education isn't a part of the curriculum, but I will post a link to the book here. Sexual education will begin in Kindergarten. Sexual Education lessons are worked into the ELA program and the Math program (I'm not sure how the would work them into math).
If that isn't disturbing enough, history is distorted and constitutional amendments revised. I've seen a lesson that said that the Constitution was outdated and being revised. The assignment was to pick two amendments that the students thought needed to be revised. A recurring theme of Socialism has taken hold.
Our children are under attack, along with our rights as parents. We all need to collectively remind our government that they serve us and do not know what is best for our children. Waiting for someone else to save OUR children is not an option! Action needs to be taken now!
I will be posting frequently and adding sources to check as well as documenting my own experiences. In the meantime, I've found Dr. Duke Pesta to be a great source of information. A link to his video is here
We need to take action immediately, our children deserve better.
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