Thursday, April 9, 2015

My rebuttal to her response....

Ms. Mohr,

Thank you for your response.  I really do appreciate it.   However I must say that feeling like my questions are not be answered.  I mean absolutely no disrespect, but we are all being lied to.  Our concerns as parents are being dismissed.   My point of view is based on hard research and data, not “anti-common core propaganda”.  It is based on my children’s experiences, other children experiments, conversations with teachers, Principals and even Assistant Superintendent Emilie Hard.  I’ve done my research.  This is the third time I’ve asked to see the research that Representative Magendanz has done PRIOR to implementation done by Education Experts, Child Psychology Professionals, etc.  I should be able to request it under the FOIA act, correct?  Please consider this my formal request under FOIA to the research done PRIOR to implementation of common core from Teachers, Education Experts, Previous Studies, Child Psychologists.  

Now I’d like to reply, statement by statement.

If Representative Magendanz has met and listened to his constituents regarding opposition to Common Core, why is he not speaking on behalf of them?   There should be no ‘common ground’.   We don’t want this for our children. That is what he was elected to do, correct?  Instead he remains committed to full implementation and I’ve even read a quote from him that no one has complained or said anything negative about it.  A bit of a discrepancy there.

I want to be perfectly clear, I am not unhappy with the “implementation" of Common Core, I am unhappy with Common Core and everything that goes with it.  I’m unhappy that my children are “test subjects”.  I am unhappy with the fact that our children are roughly two years behind, can’t spell, have trouble with basic addition and subtraction, yet are moving onto multiplication for two days, testing, then division for two days and testing.  The aren’t learning cursive or even facts that are correct about the Constitution.  They are being bombarded with sexual material, including the promotion of “alternative families” and anti-American propaganda and molded into “global citizens”  This has permeated every part of our life, there are now even "childhood obesity prevention standards".  My daughter and one other student that I know of at her school were denied their snack (which wasn’t unhealthy).  That is my choice as a parent.   If I want to send her to school with a candy bar for snack (I’d never do that), its my right as a parent.

Representative Magendanz, as you say, doesn’t support the feds dictating how to educate, yet he seems to have no issue with groups of private interest controlling education?   These organizations don’t have to answer to us as taxpayers and parents?   To me that is unacceptable!   As a parent and taxpayer,  whomever is educating my children should most certainly be accountable.  Local authority should remain, and we should repeal Common Core immediately.  We have no ability to go to these private interests that dictate these standards and ask for change and it is our children that are suffering.

You claim that Washington is a  ‘local control” state.  Washington accepted Race to the Top Grants, correct?  They are required to implement the standards, which are copyrighted.  They may not alter them, only add 15%.  The standards read like a script…let’s call it what it is, a curriculum.    If the claim that “local control” was true, how could you possibly be teaching the same thing, at the same time, in all states (for children that move from one state to another)? 

I have met with our Principal, our Assistant Superintendent to express my concern.  Emilie Hard had the gall to tell me that it was more important for a child to learn to read than spell.  Why is that?  My emails to the school board were met with a form letter and no answers to specific requests.  I have attempted to correspond with the Superintendent who wasn’t even courteous enough to respond.  

I’m not sure what “misguided” propaganda you are referring to.  My sources are mostly Government publications, publications from organizations involved in Common Core or personal experience.   Below are just a few examples of official documents that I’ve come across during my research.

The DOE guide Promoting, Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance….Feb 2013.  Page 44 is especially troubling detailing the use of posture analysis seats, pressure sensitive mouse, Wireless Skin Conductance Sensors, facial recognition cameras and a classroom FMRI.  Again, my children are not lab rats.
NEDM data

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