Representative Magendanz,
Below you will find a copy of an email that I sent to you back on February 6, 2015. I have yet to recieve your response.
I have to say that I was very disappointed to read your quote in the Seattle Times .(
“Once folks read the actual standards, it’s a bit of an ‘emperor has no clothes’ moment,” said Rep. Chad Magendanz, R-Issaquah, in an email.
Both the far left and far right, he said, have found common ground in opposing the Common Core. That alliance has made Washington moderates in both parties wary of the anti-Common Core message, he said, and as a result, the political center here hasn’t been swayed by the arguments.
Your claim that no one has complained — not a teacher, a parent, etc. is utterly false. I know that I, myself on 2/6/2015 sent you a letter detailing my concerns. I know of several teachers and thousands of taxpayers have been in contact with you and other Representatives, not only in Washington State, but across the country. Our voices are not being heard! Meanwhile, you stand idly by, letting state control of our education system be handed over to special interest groups that have NO accountability to us as voters and taxpayers. Our children have become “lab rats", our parental rights ignored and every aspect of our life data mined. These children aren’t learning anything other than to hate school. They are confused. Many can’t spell. Have you visited a classroom to see what is going on? Looked at a child’s journal to see the errors in spelling that go ignored. How can you correct an issue if you don’t know there is one?
I’ve heard a lot about the cost of implementation, etc. I really don’t care how much money we’ve spent for implementation, this was something that we, as taxpayers and voters didn’t ask for, were lied to about and don’t want. It needs to be fully repealed immediately. We need to cut our losses and move on because the cost is too great for our children and the future of this country that my own Grandfather proudly fought for.
To quote the Declaration of Independence….We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The Government has become corrupt and frankly, unproductive. Our President has no respect for the law, yet is allowed to break the law unopposed. It’s time for Government to be accountable to the people they serve, serve honorably or find another profession. I’m not interested in people that have absolutely NO moral compass telling me what is best for my children. I don’t want them collecting their data as if they are a science experiment for untested standards and selling or sharing that data with anyone and everyone who wants it.
In my previous email, I requested the research that you did that gives you the opinion that these standards are a positive thing for our children (especially when parents are seriously opposed). I requested copies of the research that you did “PRIOR” to implementation from Educators, Child Development experts, proven success of the standards elsewhere. I am still waiting for that response. I would like facts, research and the data that everyone involved in Common Core seems to love. I don’t want to be referred to OSPI’s website. I’d like to understand why it is that you are such a staunch supporter of Common Core.
I respectfully ask you to respond with the information that I have requested. I also urge you to take a stand in getting common core repealed. I anxiously await your response.
Wendee Hewitt
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