This post is going to be short today, but I wanted to put information out for parents.
The Sexual Education Standards for K-12. Because what Kindergartner doesn't need to know about the birds and the bees.
Page 6 is very interesting. Sexual Education will be worked into English Language Arts and Math. No permission slip needed.
I urge you to really check this out.
Read that document, click around some of the resource pages and trust, me you will want to vomit. I can't fathom having "the talk" with a Kindergartner. It is a parents place to have that kind of discussion when appropriate (as decided by a parent). A school is no place to be explaining complex things like same sex families and religion either (and I know I will be called a bigot, whatever. I don't believe that is the place). These kids can't spell, they don't know cursive. Lord help us.
This is my attempt at journaling my experience with the fight against Common Core. I sincerely hope to bring awareness to other parents. I will detail my experiences and post accurate information that will be helpful for other parents, as some of us have no clue what common core is or means for our children and future. Our children deserve better and it is up to us as parents, to fight for them! If we don't stand up for them, who will? Who will stand up for our rights as parents?